Sailing World reports this beauty at
In PCL Southern's quest for "Making 2019 Significant", we love to sail and we love the quest for financial independence combine the two and you have... S Secure A Assets I Independent L Life "There is no such thing as the right boat for everyone, but there is the right boat for the right time." If your in the doldrums, stuck, not moving... If your sails are too small to move you... If your sails are too large to move you safely... If you are lost in the sea, turned to and fro... Its the time to make a boat change! Take control of your financial life. PCL Southern can help develop and implement a SAIL plan.
While an architectural student ant the University of Utah, I enrolled in an urban planning class taught by a wise adjunct professor, one of a few that changed the way I see the world. My take away was that the most important piece in architecture was the connection between people in our built environment. How we relate to our community and the people and places that have or should have become a part of the fabric of our life.
I have been impressed by how important human-scale interaction is in a healthy environment. I love that we can be inspired by architecture, but deeper is the scale of our conviction and inspiration when it is for the stranger, the friend, the family that moves us to be better, more compassionate, more alive and more willing to sacrifice for a greater cause than self. What began as an architectural passion for me became a passion in urban planning in the school of traditional neighborhood design. Thus, Walkable Village was born, the idea that when we begin to walk, bike and take public transit, we make connections, we are fallible, and that vulnerability makes us human and connects us to our community. John McKnight writes “…each historic community is an experiment in well-being. Through stories and relationships, obligations and wisdom, healthful ways are part of everyday life and common knowledge.” In much of life in the United States we have "given up community to professionals. replacing stories with studies, friends with professionals, obligations with fees and wisdom with technologies." I believe that we have shrouded ourselves in steel and call it freedom, moved to the suburbs and called it progress, surrounded ourselves in commodities that cannot forever satisfy and burdened ourselves in plastic debt in an attempt to fill our emptiness, to keep up with the Jones who are now an illusion as we lost contact with the real Jones behind the next door.. Our neighbors are now too often strangers who live behind a garage door that closes before anyone has a chance to develop a connection. Worse we may have forgotten how to make messy face to face friendships that take practice and acceptance of fallibility. Walkable Village is a symbol of connection and @WalkableV is the attempt to provide an archetype compass ( V ) to understand that our choices are connected and that for better or worse we are connected. No man or woman is an island. Our physical, emotional, financial and economic well-being are connected. May we relearn and improve as we live longer and prosper together in an educated, diverse, modern and yet historic village.
This fund is a portion of the money you will accumulate in your life, that you will employ to help bring your heart felt values to the generation(s) that follow you. This is your top tier fund, that is this is the pinnacle of the other funds, and you will not reach it without creating a rainy-day fund, or an emotional fund or having something in the way of a, Done Working for the Man Fund. Without these funds, the challenges of the rain that will fall in every life and the emotional highs and lows will rob and defeat your efforts to fund a legacy. Now, you do not need to have money to leave a legacy. For example, look at Jack Dawson remembered in the 1997 motion picture, The Titanic. Generations later, his love and sacrifice were remembered. However, for those of us that have made it to America, born native or immigrant, and are looking to live the American Dream, your ambitions require an unquenchable desire, the ability to work, and the ability to fund your dream over time.
Sometimes we need a little inspiration to help us find ways to reach our dreams. Check out this example of someone hearing the report that someone somewhere traded a paper clip up to eventually own a home. Is it folklore or is it real? You be the judge...
Last week was “U Saves Week” at the University of Utah. The keynote speaker for the event was the national bestselling author of The Automatic Millionaire, David Bach.
While there are many books and speakers on the subject, David Bach has a simple idea that works. He declares the secret to living the American Dream and becoming a millionaire is… Oh did you really think I was going to just give you the answer. "Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn." –Benjamin Franklin Post your definition of “The American Dream” and send me an e-mail and I will share David’s secret and send one of his books to a random 1 in 10 respones. The American Dream of Home Ownership is something that can move from a dream to reality by setting some realistic goals and setting some dates to measure your progress. There are many programs to help someone become a first time home buyer. I will lay out a simple pattern to set the dream in motion.
1. Set up an automatic deduction from your paycheck that will deposit money into a account that encourages you to keep saving, an IRA is a great option here. 2. You are allowed to withdraw up to $10,000 from an IRA for a first-time home purchase without IRS penalties. 3. Take advantage of a IRS Savers Tax Credit each year when you file your taxes. This credit can provide up to $2,000 extra dollars to your tax return and help you increase your home buying power. Here is a sketch of what a modest own your own home in five years savings plan may look like: This year, year #1. Place $2,500 in a 5 year Flexible premium Annuity/IRA from your tax return dollars, add the saver's tax credit of up to $1,250, this provides up to $3,750 in savings this year. Place the Saver's credit in a second non-IRA account dedicated to buying your first home . Now automate your savings by having $70 each paycheck deposited into your IRA. Next year, year #2. You have a $1,820 tax deduction for automatically funding your IRA with $70 a paycheck. Take the Saver's Tax Credit for an additional $910 in your tax return. Place your extra $910 into your non-IRA home savings account. This give you $4,320 in your IRA and $2,160 in your non-IRA home savings. Year #3. Your automated, keep doing what you did in year two. Year #4. Keep going, your automated. Year #5. Keep going, at the end of the year you have $10.000 saved in your IRA that is available to withdraw for your first time home purchase and and $4,890 in your non-IRA home savings account and you are well prepared to go shopping for your first home. Easy Peasy $2,500 saved from one years tax refund and $70 a paycheck, you now have $14,890 to buy a home. You saved $9,780 and received $4,890 in tax credits + paid less in taxes and earn some interest. This is a sample, there are many variations on this, contact PCL Southern to help work out a plan that works for you. ![]() Annette Lindsay One of my classmates passed away this week and it is with sorrow that I post this. She will be greatly missed here as she has been an icon of good in the world. There was a fund set up at gofundme to help with funeral costs and I am grateful for the compassionate contributions and support her family has received. There are many opportunities to contribute, to do some good in the world, to show compassion for others. I would like to propose a way you can save money and be compassionate. There are many many places to give. I offer HealthTap 24/7 access to medical consultation with no co-pays and no deductibles, it is convenient and affordable and unlike an insurance policy that I can offer, it has more flexibility as a non-insurance plan I can make this offer. If you are interested in HealthTap and contact Kevan Adams at 435-365-4103 I can set you up on a group plan with your cause or passion, group rates will reduce the cost and allow you or I to make a contribution to that cause. Together we can do more than than we can individually. ![]() Investment can be defined in a few ways. In medical terminology it refers to the envelope that literally in-vests or surrounds an organism. In accounting, financial or economic terminology, an investment refers to the outlay of capital for a profit. The money that is used to start or maintain a business is a capital investment. In classical economics, capital is one of three factors of production, capital, land, and labor. Products that are convenient, enjoyable, and desirable, may be something you want to invest in, that is purchase stock in the company that produces them, and in medical terminology, surround yourself in the benefits of the product. Often we hear salespeople say that the purchase of an item is an investment, this makes warning bells sound in my head, as they often misrepresent the financial aspect of the purchase. A product wrapped up in a high price may be enjoyable but with no financial gain. Beware of salespeople who use the term investment to allure you to a sense of well-being both in medical and financial terms. When they are quick to take your credit card or offer financing, it is likely that the transaction will be listed as a liability on your financial statement. Will the long term wrapper primarily in-vest you in debt? Before we make an investment in anything, we need to be clear on what it produces for us, will it produce more than it costs? Or is the purchase simply for pleasure? Pleasure can be good, but lets be clear, it is a pleasure purchase and not likely an investment. ![]() AirBnB is one way people who need a place to stay can connect to people who enjoy hosting them. It is an amazingly successful guest and host connection platform. My wife and I have been hosts and have had a wonderful experience having guests from all around the world stay with us. This week, after a 10 month debate, the Hurricane City Council approved an ordinance that allows "Residential Hosting" as a permitted land use in many single-family residential areas of Hurricane City where it was previously band. On one hand this is strange, due to the fact that we host so many people in our homes with no local government involvement, like foreign exchange students, friends, foster children, or extended family. On the other hand local government has a responsibility to help foster our communities health safety and welfare. The popularity, newness, and scale of this type of residential activity has many city and town governments at a loss and they often ban or restricted the activity due to fear, lack of understanding or land use regulation that has no place currently designed for this seemingly new activity. Largely Residential Hosting has been a zoning issue, zoning which for the last 60 years has developed neighborhoods and street patterns that have both unintentionally and intentionally isolated us from each other and community. Enough of my description, It is time to celebrate! AirBnB is now permitted by license in more areas of the City of Hurricane. If you think you may like to host people in your home and have questions about where it is allowed, insurance, taxes, financial risk, the potential for additional income, or financial benefits and the experience, I can help and hope you will share your experience and concerns with me. |
AuthorKevan Adams: Archives
January 2019